Frequently Asked Questions


CRIAT is a community-based platform that facilitates connections and interaction among individuals who are interested in learning, collaborating, and sharing their knowledge.

CRIAT is open to anyone above the age of 18. Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. If you have an interest in learning, sharing and connecting, CRIAT is for you.

To register, go to the sign up page on our website, Fill in the necessary details and follow the steps to complete the registration process.

Currently, joining CRIAT is completely free. We do not charge any registration or membership fees.

You can contribute to the CRIAT community by participating in discussions, sharing resources, and collaborating with other members. We believe in creating a positive, active, and engaging environment for all our members.

At CRIAT, we take your privacy seriously. All personal information is stored securely and is only used as detailed in our Privacy Policy. We never share your details with third parties without your consent.

If you encounter a problem or need assistance, please contact our support team through the contact form on our website. We will respond as soon as possible to resolve your issue.

Our terms and conditions outline the rules for using our platform. You can find our Terms and Conditions on our website. By using CRIAT, you agree to abide by these terms.

Research & Development

At CRIAT, we focus on the interdisciplinary exploration of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation technologies, as well as the policies, standards, and guidelines that govern them.

CRIAT’s R&D areas include Technological Development, where we work to advance research in robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation. This includes aspects such as robot design, control systems, human-robot interaction, machine learning, and more. Another area is Policy and Standards, where we commit to developing comprehensive policy frameworks, standards, and guidelines for these technologies.

CRIAT researches into various areas like robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation technologies. In robotics, we explore robot design and control, human-robot interaction, autonomous systems, and more. In AI, our work involves machine learning techniques, natural language processing, decision-making systems, and AI ethics. In automation, we focus on process and industrial automation, smart grids, and automated vehicles.

Our approach to R&D involves an interdisciplinary focus, collaborative innovation, and consideration of ethical and policy issues. We promote research projects that intersect robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation, and also focus on developing governance models, standards, and ethical guidelines for these technologies.

Yes, we welcome the participation of researchers, academics, professionals, and organizations in our R&D initiatives. This can involve proposing new research projects, contributing to ongoing ones, or providing expert insights. Please contact our R&D Department at [email protected].

Our R&D projects aim to advance our understanding and development of robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation technologies, while also developing and refining the policies, ethical guidelines, and standards that govern these technologies. We believe in a holistic approach that balances technological advancements with societal interests and ethical considerations.

Our R&D projects span various stages, from idea generation, feasibility studies, policy drafts, prototype development, to testing and validation. These projects are often conducted in partnership with our member organizations and external collaborators.

At CRIAT, we believe that innovative R&D plays an essential role not only in advancing technologies but also in formulating effective policy frameworks, standards, and guidelines. We see R&D as key to both technical innovation and ethical, responsible governance of these technologies.


Currently, academic institutions, commercial entities, startups, researchers, academics, and professionals interested in robotics, intelligence, and automation technologies can become members of CRIAT. Individuals can freely participate in CRIAT’s activities, while organizations are required to contribute a membership fee.

To become a member of CRIAT, please visit our website and follow the instructions on the membership page. If you are an organization, you will need to contact us directly to discuss membership fees and the process for joining.

As a member of CRIAT, you will have the opportunity to participate in innovative research and development projects, contribute to the creation of new policies and standards, access our collective knowledge base, and collaborate with other members in our network.

The cost of membership for organizations varies and will be discussed directly with the organization interested in joining CRIAT. Please contact us directly for more information about membership fees.

Membership fees provide substantial support for our activities, enhance our research capabilities, and foster more collaborative projects. They are used for the equitable allocation of funds and resources to support our activities, research projects, initiatives, maintenance of necessary infrastructure and systems, and the creation and sharing of relevant knowledge materials.

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. However, the membership fee is non-refundable. For more details about cancellation, please refer to our membership cancellation policy.

If your membership lapses, you may lose access to member-only benefits until your membership is renewed. Please refer to our membership policy for more details on membership lapses and renewals.


Robotics is a branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Robots are programmable machines that interact with the physical world and can perform tasks independently or with human assistance. They are used in a variety of settings, including manufacturing, healthcare, services, education, and research.

At CRIAT, we are deeply involved in robotics research and development, working on robot design, control systems, and human-robot interaction. We also explore the use of robots in diverse sectors such as healthcare, industry, and education, and work on the development of autonomous systems and the study of multi-robot systems.

Our key robotics research areas include robot design, control systems, human-robot interaction, autonomous systems, and the study of multi-robot systems. We focus on a variety of applications, spanning sectors from healthcare to industry to education.

We encourage the participation of researchers, academics, professionals, and organizations in our robotics initiatives. You can propose new research projects, contribute to ongoing ones, or provide expert insights. To get involved, please contact our R&D Department at [email protected].

CRIAT is committed to responsible and ethical conduct in our robotics research. We develop guidelines and standards to ensure safe, equitable, and beneficial deployment of robotic technologies. This includes considerations for privacy, security, interoperability, and user experience.

Human-robot interaction is a key focus of our robotics research. We aim to improve the design and control of robots to enable more effective, efficient, and positive interactions between humans and robots. This could range from making industrial robots safer to work with, to enhancing the user-friendliness of personal care robots.

The potential applications of robotics in our projects are broad and varied. They can range from robots in healthcare that assist in patient care and surgery, to industrial robots that automate manufacturing processes, to educational robots that aid in teaching and learning. The goal of our research is to advance robotics technologies and their responsible use in a wide array of sectors.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These processes include learning (the acquisition of information and rules for using the information), reasoning (using the rules to reach approximate or definite conclusions), and self-correction.

CRIAT utilizes AI in a variety of ways within our research and development efforts. This includes working on multiple aspects of AI such as machine learning techniques, natural language processing, decision-making systems, and AI ethics. We also explore ways to make AI systems more interpretable, transparent, and accountable.

Our key AI research areas include machine learning, natural language processing, decision-making systems, and the ethical implications of AI. We are also focused on the transparency and accountability of AI systems.

Researchers, academics, professionals, and organizations are welcome to participate in our AI research initiatives. You can propose new research projects, contribute to ongoing ones, or provide expert insights. To join our efforts, please contact our R&D Department at [email protected].

Ethics is a key component of our AI research. We are committed to developing and refining ethical guidelines for AI, ensuring that the development and deployment of these technologies align with societal interests. This includes considerations of data privacy, fairness, transparency, and the broader societal impacts of AI.

At CRIAT, we believe that transparency is crucial in AI development. We’re researching ways to make AI systems more interpretable and accountable. This includes work on algorithmic transparency, data governance, and other related topics.

AI applications in our work cover a broad range, including but not limited to process automation, decision-making systems, natural language processing, and improving human-robot interaction. Our research aims to advance the development and responsible use of AI in various sectors, from healthcare and education to industry.


Automation technologies refer to the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies to handle different processes and machinery in an industry to replace human involvement. These technologies can increase productivity, improve safety, and reduce errors in a wide range of settings.

CRIAT’s research and development efforts in automation focus on process and industrial automation, smart grids, and automated vehicles. We also study the human factors in automation and how automation impacts productivity, safety, and job satisfaction.

Our efforts in industrial automation involve researching and developing ways to automate complex industrial tasks, creating efficient systems that can increase productivity, reduce errors, and enhance safety in industrial settings.

Smart grids refer to an electricity network system that uses digital technology to monitor and manage the transport of electricity from all generation sources to meet the varying electricity demands of end-users. CRIAT works on automating these grids to optimize the conservation and delivery of power.

CRIAT is involved in researching and developing technologies necessary for vehicle automation, including navigation systems, object detection systems, vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies, and more. We’re dedicated to advancing this technology while ensuring it is used responsibly and safely.

CRIAT believes in the responsible use of automation technologies. We are dedicated to researching and addressing the societal and ethical implications of automation, including its impact on employment, privacy, and safety. Our goal is to ensure that the development and implementation of automation technologies result in broad societal benefits.

We welcome participation from researchers, academics, professionals, and organizations in our Automation Technology initiatives. You can propose new research projects, contribute to ongoing ones, or provide expert insights. To get involved, please contact our R&D Department at [email protected].


CRIAT’s funding philosophy centers on targeted, sustainable, and transparent funding. We rely primarily on donations and prospective organizational membership fees. Our mission aligns closely with ethical conduct, environmental stewardship, responsible business practices, and responsible knowledge sharing.

CRIAT is committed to managing its resources responsibly. We ensure transparency in financial reporting and align our investment decisions with social, environmental, and economic goals. Our Governing Board is responsible for equitably allocating funds and resources to support our activities.

At CRIAT, we uphold the highest standards of financial transparency and accountability. We provide regular financial reports to our members and strictly adhere to all applicable laws and regulations. The use of our funds, especially those from donations and membership fees, is openly disclosed.

CRIAT secures its funding from a diverse array of sources including donations, organizational membership fees, grants, partnerships, and sponsorships. This ensures our financial stability and ongoing sustainability.

Yes, we welcome the generosity of individual donors, philanthropic individuals, and institutions that resonate with our mission and vision. These donations are instrumental in supporting our ongoing initiatives in the field of robotics, intelligence, and automation technologies.

Donations are used to support our ongoing research, development, and collaborative initiatives in the field of robotics, intelligence, and automation technologies. We are committed to transparent financial reporting and provide details of how our funds are used.

Yes, we plan to introduce a membership model for academic institutions, commercial entities, and startups. Organizations wishing to join our consortium and access our collective knowledge base will be required to contribute a membership fee. These fees will provide substantial support for our activities.

Yes, we engage with organizations that share our vision for a sustainable and inclusive future, securing sponsorships for specific projects or general support of our operations.

We forge strategic partnerships with academic institutions, commercial entities, and industry leaders. If your organization is interested in partnering with us, please contact us through our website for more information.


Academic institutions, commercial entities, industry associations, non-profit organizations, and government agencies that align with CRIAT’s mission and values can become partners. We particularly value partners who share our commitment to ethical principles, impact, collaboration, innovation, and sustainability.

There are various ways to form a partnership with CRIAT, including through research collaboration, event sponsorship, knowledge exchange, funding partnership, and policy advocacy. To start the process, please reach out to us directly to discuss the potential partnership.

Partners of CRIAT can enjoy several benefits, including access to a diverse and international network of academics, researchers, and professionals; the opportunity to leverage collective knowledge and insights; the chance to influence the future of technology; increased visibility and recognition in the industry; and the ability to promote a sustainable and inclusive future.

Yes, we welcome event sponsorship from organizations. This is a great way to showcase your commitment to robotics, intelligence, and automation technologies and gain exposure to a global audience. Please contact us directly for more information about event sponsorship opportunities.

Absolutely! Knowledge exchange is highly valued at CRIAT. Your organization can contribute its expertise and knowledge materials to enrich our knowledge repository. Sharing insights, research findings, and industry best practices helps foster collaboration and advances the collective knowledge in the field.

Collaboration on policy advocacy is an essential aspect of our work. By partnering with CRIAT, your organization can collaborate with us to influence policy-making and promote the adoption of responsible and sustainable technologies. Together, we can shape the future of technology and contribute to positive societal impact.


The Terms and Conditions serve as a legally binding agreement between the users and CRIAT regarding the use of our website and services. It outlines the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of both parties to ensure a fair and secure online environment.

You can access and review the Terms and Conditions by visiting the dedicated page on our website. It is important to review and understand the terms before using our services to ensure compliance and clarity.

Yes, the Terms and Conditions may be subject to modifications or updates. Any changes will be communicated to users through appropriate channels. It is recommended to periodically review the Terms and Conditions for any updates.

The Privacy Policy outlines how CRIAT collects, uses, stores, and protects personal information provided by users. It explains the measures taken to ensure privacy and data security and the rights users have regarding their personal information.

The Privacy Policy can be accessed on our website. It is essential to review the Privacy Policy to understand how your personal information is handled and protected when using our services.

The retention period for personal data is outlined in the Privacy Policy. CRIAT retains personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required by applicable laws and regulations.

As outlined in the Privacy Policy, you have the right to access, update, correct, and delete your personal data held by CRIAT. You may also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data or request its transferability. Specific procedures for exercising these rights are detailed in the Privacy Policy.

CRIAT respects intellectual property rights and expects users to do the same. The Terms and Conditions specify the guidelines for the use of intellectual property, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents. Unauthorized use or infringement of intellectual property rights is strictly prohibited.

The Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Ontario, Canada. Any disputes arising from the use of CRIAT’s services will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Ontario.

For any legal inquiries or concerns, you can contact CRIAT’s legal department by email at [email protected]. We will respond to your queries as soon as possible.

©2024 The Consortium for Robotics, Intelligence, and Automation Technologies


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